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TRE Philosophy


TRE Philosophy

The Ripple Effect of Surgical Innovation

At TRE Surgical, we concentrate on delivering novel clinical technologies and medical innovations to physicians, patients, and hospitals.  As healthcare continues to grow and evolve there is a need for personalized physician services and patient centered products.  We are proud to be a leader in the market and delivering these services and products with a high level of customer satisfaction.  

We offer only the highest quality products and services that improve patient outcomes, enhance their well being, and limit complications.  Driven by the opportunity to share our unrivaled education and training, we are committed to working with physicians in their quest to provide the absolute best in patient care. 

  • Highly trained sales & support staff
  • Products that focus on patient's health and wellness
  • One-on-one physician support and service
  • Cost effective medical strategies for physicians and hospitals
  • Delivering patient centered technologies
  • Emphasis on compliance and regulations

The Ripple Effect

The Ripple Effect

What is The Ripple Effect?

At TRE Surgical, we understand that our behavior influences others through a ripple effect.  We want to be a powerful influence in what we do.  All growth spreads outward from a fertile and potent nucleus.  We are the ripple effect.

Our mission is to be a leader in providing innovative medical solutions within our community, by way of building a team of independent professionals that strive to maintain a high quality of costumer service and relations through integrity, character, work ethic, and commitment.  We can be counted on always to act as ethical partners who are worthy of our physician's and our vendor's trust.



Strong Principles

Strong Principles

Built on Strong Principles

Our philosophy begins by grounding ourselves in strong principles.  These principles allow us to build great trust and continuity with physicians, medical offices, hospitals, and patients.  Our integrity and good business practices provide us the opportunity to be a powerful influence in both the medical community and the greater community.


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Focusing on Wellness

Focusing on Wellness

Focusing on Patient Wellness

Wellness is a way of living that encourages good physical and mental health. It is a balanced lifestyle that includes an emphasis on the body, mind, and spirit. At TRE Surgical we care about patient's well being and encourage physicians to choose treatment options that contribute to their patients’ health and wellness. Our carefully developed platform of technologies complement an overall approach to healthcare by enhancing well being, improving outcomes, and helping the physician limit complications. 


Proudly Made in the USA

Proudly Made in the USA

Proudly Creating Jobs in the U.S.

American workers are the backbone of our great country.  At TRE Surgical, we are committed to creating U.S. jobs, one skilled worker at a time. 

"Of all that once was good and could be good again, of all that has been erased, rebuilt and erased again, we alone stand firm.  Respecting tradition: we listen, we learn, we practice, we master, we lead, we remember, and we teach. With passion in our hearts we never forget that commitment is what transforms promises into reality , that character is developed by the daily triumph of integrity over skepticism, that a real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out, and that the strength of a family, like the strength of an army, is in its loyalty to each other. Be humble but powerful. Remembered. Respected. United." - Sam Clemons, Founder & CEO

Email- info@tresurgical.com

Fax- 888.698.4759


2310 East Ponderosa Drive, Suite 20A

Camarillo, CA 93010